Front End Interview Handbook

Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore

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Why Front End Interview Handbook?

From Zero to Hero

Go from zero to front end interview hero with this handbook. No prior interview experience needed.

Back to Basics

Learn to walk before you learn to fly. While React, Vue and Angular are cool, make sure you also know your fundamentals.

Community Effort

The best thing about Open Source is that the community vets the contents, so you can be sure the answers here have been proofread by many.

Success Stories

"Preparing for my first rounds of tech interviews was really daunting - I wasn't sure what to expect and where to start. This handbook together with the Tech Interview Handbook was a great starting point for me. It clearly describes each part of the process and has tons of awesome tips and resources. With this handbook and lots of practice, I managed to get offers from Facebook, Dropbox and Amazon!"

Erin Teo

Front End Engineer, Facebook

"Before discovering the handbook, I didn't know what to expect for my front end interviews. Thanks to it, I had a better understanding and even learned new things about frontend development. The handbook is an immense resource, one that I still use to refresh and reinforce my knowledge to tackle interviews confidently!"

Kai Li

Software Engineer, Zendesk

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